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Morrises, Brileys, Piazzas, Ybarras, Fausts, Messers, Vaughns, Rogerses, Christensens, Caughrons, Fullertons, Andersons, Sanfords, Lassanskes, Johnsons, Pritchetts, Lewises, Spahns, Rogalskis, Montgomerys!

And to all Limbs, Branches, and Twigs of each Family Tree ~ Welcome!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Laura -
"More Than Words" is playing, again. :) How are you and the baby doing? Kim


Our Family said...

Hey Kim! That song will always remind me of our trip and you and Grandma. I love the pictures of your trip! I think the turtle picture is so cute. I saw the Little House episode the other day when Laura and Mary start their first day of school. I've always like Nells, but, man, he was really kind of spineless, don't you think?

Our Family said...

Yes, Nells was spineless! Probably turned out to be a good thing considering Harriett's personality. They would've been at it for sure! A few months ago I discovered Little House came on at 7:00 a.m. Too late for me to watch the whole thing before work, but then shortly after that channel (Fox) started having local news hour and did away with Little House. The show is so wholesome, they should bring it back to regular primetime TV at night. :) Kim