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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pretty Lake 1984

Some pictures from Mary Ann's trip to WI with Nancy and her girls.


The Author said...

I remember it well. The girls really had a great time visiting Wisconsin. Pretty Lake was so very nice. Sometimes when the weather is just right and there's a coolness in the air, it reminds me of it. And those awesome evergreen trees! I still have a Pretty Lake mug that Geneva gave me.

Our Family said...

I remember this very well, too! I loved Wisconsin and Geneva's house. I did not like the basement too much (creepy!) or the lake water, but the canoe was very cool. And of course Joe's and Mike's accents were so funny to me! I remember wishing I could spend more time with Geneva just talking about her life and memories, but she definitely had the no-nonsense, tough Widmer blood and my 13-yr old brain didn't figure out a way to break through that at the time. What great memories from that trip!

Our Family said...

I remember that trip very well also - AND that basement. Playing at the lake was great and I remember playing "7up" with Mike and Joe....:)


Our Family said...

I remember the smell of cigar smoke that permeated the house and the feeling of the lake water as we played in it. I also remember the sight of Geneva (not sure how old she was then,) rowing herself out in the canoe, and thinking, "wow! I hope I can do that when I'm her age!"