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Morrises, Brileys, Piazzas, Ybarras, Fausts, Messers, Vaughns, Rogerses, Christensens, Caughrons, Fullertons, Andersons, Sanfords, Lassanskes, Johnsons, Pritchetts, Lewises, Spahns, Rogalskis, Montgomerys!

And to all Limbs, Branches, and Twigs of each Family Tree ~ Welcome!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Visit with Grandma

I came across these pictures today. Eliseo and I made a trip to Grandma's over Labor Day 2001, when I was about 5 months pregnant with Alex. I realized we didn't have any pictures of Grandma on our blog yet! We can't let that happen...... (smile)



Bonnie said...

So G'ma can barely use the cell phone--who is going to teach her the computer? I'm out--computer laughs at me!!


Nancy said...

Nice pictures, Sarah!
Bonnie - you're doing great on the blogging... I'm impressed.