Welcome Everyone!

Morrises, Brileys, Piazzas, Ybarras, Fausts, Messers, Vaughns, Rogerses, Christensens, Caughrons, Fullertons, Andersons, Sanfords, Lassanskes, Johnsons, Pritchetts, Lewises, Spahns, Rogalskis, Montgomerys!

And to all Limbs, Branches, and Twigs of each Family Tree ~ Welcome!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Welcome Uncle Ralph and Gloria!

Love this photo of Grandpa Morris, Uncle Ralph, Uncle Bob Derber, and Dad - 1964 ~ nancy

We're trying to get Uncle Ralph "in the Blog" and I think today just might be the day.... so, if you made it, Ralph, Welcome! Woohoo!


Our Family said...

Nancy -
That is a good picture. It's amazing how all the Morrises look alike, especially the nose. What year was that taken? Kim

Our Family said...

Kim - that was from 1964 in Beloit WI at the Derber's house. Yeah, the Morris nose is very prominent...oh joy!

Our Family said...

I love this old picture too. Is it just me, or does Ralph's expression say "hi-jinks"?

American Heritage Dictionary -
hi·jinks (hī'jĭnks')
pl.n. Playful, often noisy and rowdy activity, usually involving mischievous pranks.
