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Morrises, Brileys, Piazzas, Ybarras, Fausts, Messers, Vaughns, Rogerses, Christensens, Caughrons, Fullertons, Andersons, Sanfords, Lassanskes, Johnsons, Pritchetts, Lewises, Spahns, Rogalskis, Montgomerys!

And to all Limbs, Branches, and Twigs of each Family Tree ~ Welcome!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Christensen Update

Hello Gang,
Ok..let's see if I can do this right.
First off, a little about all of us...CJ just finished the 3rd grade with all A's...he has never made anything less than a A since Kindergarten and we are so proud of him! He is proud of himself, too! We just got done with Little League baseball and I was the Team Mom and Chris was the Coach and my mother was the Babysitter of Kristy! I think my mom had the easier job of babysitting because as Team Mom, I had to babysit 14 rowdy boys! But I had a lot of fun and the kids were just all funny and sweet! My job was to keep them in order and let them know when to get ready to bat. Also keep them from climbing the dugout fences! Our team was like the Bad News Bears starting out. Only a few of the players could CATCH a ball! (Kristy could catch better than them most of the time!) As the season went on, our players got really comfortable and we ended up winning some games which made my boys even more rowdy, but HAPPY! They came a long way and did great. I must brag a bit about my CJ... (isn't this blog all about that??)...CJ was our # 1 pitcher and made some no hitters in games and he did awesome. He played shortstop and First Base and excelled there as well. He is a great athlete! Chris truly thinks that CJ could make it as a Pro in MLB. We will see! He definitely has the talent. CJ was also nominated by his team to be on the All Star team. We will know this weekend if he has been chosen by the Little League Board. His age may be a disadvantage since he just turned 9 and he was playing with 10 year olds. We hope it works out for him.
As for Kristy, she is so ready to go to school! She will be 4 in Oct. so she will have to wait 2 more years for Kindergarten. I have her signed up for pre-school this fall going 2 days a week and she always ask me if she can go Today! Kristy has been doing tumbling at the Hurst Recreation Center for the past 2 years and also tried ballet. She said ballet was boring and she only wanted to do tumbling. I was told I was like a "live wire" as a kid and I believe Kristy is following that route! She is so full of energy and loves to do everything that everyone else is doing. She sees something (usually dangerous) on TV or live and she says "I want to do that"! Oh, boy...she has no fear! She prefers to play with the boys and tackle them and every now and then, she gets into her dress up box and dresses up. And then, there is my sweet baby girl! She is so sweet and full of life and adventurous! I think she is going to be smart like her brother...she has been writing her name and knows all the letters of the alphabet and sounds they make. We are now working on sounding out 3 letter words and she is catching on. And she is proud of herself as well!
We are staying busy this summer with swimming and other fun and cheap activities that we can find around here.
Chris' business is slow but we are hanging in there. And as for me...well, being a stay at home mom brings me the best joy and seeing my children grow up makes my life complete.
Have a fun and safe summer!


Our Family said...

Kelly, what great news about CJ and Kristy! I think we are breeding the next generation of geniuses!! :-) Seriously, you and Chris are doing a great job and have to be so proud! I would love to see a picture of CJ in his baseball duds! You are one brave woman to be the Team Mom, but it sounded like a good time. Thanks for the update. It's good to stay in touch!
Love, Sarah

Our Family said...

It's wonderful to hear such great reports on the kids and your whole family. Thanks for the update - you did a great job. My best to you all ~ Nancy ~

Our Family said...

You sound like a Supermom staying so busy! You have such a beautiful family. It sounds like they're thriving and having fun. I'm so glad you posted your update. Keep it coming! - Laura

Our Family said...

Kelly, so good to see you on the blog. Your kids are gorgeous - thanks for sharing with us!


Our Family said...

Your kids are so cute! You have a gorgeous family. I'm happy for you! ~Kim