Welcome Everyone!

Morrises, Brileys, Piazzas, Ybarras, Fausts, Messers, Vaughns, Rogerses, Christensens, Caughrons, Fullertons, Andersons, Sanfords, Lassanskes, Johnsons, Pritchetts, Lewises, Spahns, Rogalskis, Montgomerys!

And to all Limbs, Branches, and Twigs of each Family Tree ~ Welcome!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Larry Morris here at last

The above picture is of Kyle Lassanske Sandy's oldest son and his son Elias Luka. Just checking in and updating everyone on my branch of the Morris family. Sandy my oldest is in the Seattle Washington area in spanaway. Her two oldest are married and she has one grandchild. Glenn is living in Denver, North Carolina with Barb his wife.

I was diagnosed with Gastric cancer in August of 2007 following a surgery to obtain a biopsy of the stomach lining. that was followed by 5 rounds of chemo therapy which were interrupted by 30 days of radiation treatment in November and December ending up on January 3rd. Tomorrow June 26 I'm undergoing surgery to remove the remaining cancer from my stomach. will update you following surgery.


Our Family said...

Hello! So glad you posted. You've been through so much. You're definitely in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sorry to say that your branch of our family tree is a little fuzzy to me. Can you take me a little farther up? I'm Laura Vaughn, a granddaughter of Robert (Bob) and Mary Ann Morris. Which Morris from that generation are you directly related to? - Laura

Our Family said...

Larry, you made it... that was quick! This is really neat to be in touch with your "branch" - I love the picture too. (Sidebar to Laura: Larry is Glenn & Henrietta's oldest). We will definitely be praying for you and will be waiting to hear about your speedy recovery! ~Nancy~

Our Family said...

Hi Laura. Your right to wonder where I fit in the family tree. I should have layed out a proper update. I'm the oldest of Glenn & Henrietta's boys. I'm married to a very nice lady (Anita). Between us we have seven children she has five and I have two. My children are Cassandra Irene Turnbull and Glenn L. Morris. Anita has five; Gina Urban is the oldest, Larry Johnson is the next oldest. Matt Johnson is next followed by Eric Johnson and then Charlie Johnson. I will update the grandchildren at a later time. In total there are 27.

Nancy said...

I think Kyle looks like his Uncle Lloyd from a picture that I remember. Am I far off?

Bonnie said...

What a beautiful baby--love his name too. Hope your surgery was successful and you are on the road to recovery. Our prayers are with you. -Bonnie

lvaughn said...

27! Wow! I bet you have a ton of pictures to show. I'm really glad to know you. - Laura