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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Funny video

Liz and I laughed pretty good at this one. Thought you other cat likers out there would find it funny also.


Our Family said...

That is a good one... listening to the people laugh as they video is funny, too. Cats are just so entertaining sometimes. Thanks for sharing a good laugh.
How's Liz feeling?
What are you doing for the Fourth? I expect to see some pics of fireworks very shortly :~)

Bonnie said...

Clint that is soooo funny. At times it looked like they were racing!! Loved it!! Hope all is well with you and Liz. Bonnie

Our Family said...

The cat that mostly runs on two legs reminds us of Myron.

Liz is still going through the morning sickness, but is getting better. Off and on.

I'm guessing we'll head back to the same place I went to last year. It was pretty good and close to the water.

If the pics turn out any good, I'll email some out.

Our Family said...

That was cute. I needed a laugh! Sorry to hear the nausea is still with you, Liz. Hopefully by the time you're through your first trimester, it'll be gone. Try to get lots of rest! Happy 4th of July you guys!

lvaughn said...

Cute video, Clint. Cats are so entertaining.

I hope you feel better soon and get to the more fun parts of the pregnancy, Liz. Hang in there. I have about 8 or nine weeks to go. Relish it - it goes so fast! - Laura